Keep Communal Areas Clean and Clear

Items left in communal areas (stairs, corridors, landings) are a health and safety risk. Shoes, pushchairs and bikes are just some of the things that get left in communal areas, blocking fire exits and causing trips and falls. The only safe place for your belongings is in your property, or in a designated area.
Any items left in communal areas, will be disposed of.
In the last 12 months, we’ve had to clear 386 obstructions from communal areas. This takes our team away from other vital maintenance work.
Your responsibilities as a resident:
• Don’t obstruct the communal areas, stairs, corridors, and landings, these often form the fire escape routes for the building.
• Don’t prop open fire doors in communal areas.
• Don’t store prams, bicycles or mobility scooters in communal areas.
• If you see anything in the communal areas that doesn’t belong there, check who it belongs to or tell us.
• Manage your home contents and don’t store anything in the communal areas at any time.
• You should report any damage to the building structure that could compromise fire safety (e.g. fire doors).
You wouldn’t leave your belongings in the street…… don’t leave them in communal areas either.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:
0300 304 5000