Axis Community Funding

Axis Community Funding

Axis Community Funding

Do you or your community group have a great idea to benefit your local area, but just need a bit of funding to make it happen? We’ve teamed up with Axis, our repairs contractor, to offer applications for Community Funding of up to £1,000 per project. 


Your project must:

  • Support employment and economic opportunities within the community.
  • Promote community involvement and resident engagement.
  • Promote environmental sustainability.
  • Promote social progress and equality.


We will not support any project that is of a political nature, non-inclusive or is not open to all individuals irrespective of gender, race, or faith.

To apply for funding, please fill in the Axis Community Fund Application Form.docx [docx] 50KB and email to no later than Friday 23rd August.

If you need a paper copy to complete, photograph on a digital device and email back to us, please contact 0300 304 5000.

Home Grown 2024

Home Grown 2024

In partnership with Axis and Groundwork we’re pleased to promote Home Grown 2024. 

Join our free online Family Growing course! Learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables at home using a variety of how-to videos, activities, learning resources and useful tips.

Our free online family growing course runs from March–August 2024. Sign up now to receive your own family grow pack and be a part of our online learning community. We’ve 20 packs to give away on a first come first served basis. So, contact us immediately. The packs include:

  • Online videos, activities and resources released every other Thursday from March onwards

  • Free Grow Pack (*worth £30) including seeds, gloves, tools, labels and more!

  • 12 Emailed Newsletters

For families with children under 11.

To sign up:
