Customer Services

Contact AXIS directly to report a repair, schedule an appointment or follow up on an existing repair job.
AXIS Repairs - 0808 169 1969
Emergencies - 24 hours
Routine Repairs - Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Our Customer Ambassadors are the face of Estuary Housing Association. They represent our commitment to amazing services. They’re on hand to provide personal, professional and friendly assistance to solve your problems. We only hire people who understand what great customer service is – meaning we can support you and make our services even better.
Our Customer Strategy is our roadmap to customer satisfaction. It sets out the best ways to keep you safe and happy – as well as give you the best experience possible. Your feedback shapes this strategy. We listen to what you say and improve the way we work.
The Charter for Social Housing Residents will change the way social housing is run and how residents can influence key services. This document sets out the standards landlords should be held to and the standards of living residents are entitled to. These include:
To be safe in your home
To know how your landlord is performing
To have your complaints dealt with promptly and fairly
To be treated with respect
To have your voice heard by your landlord
To have a good quality home and neighbourhood to live in
To be supported to take your first step to ownership
Below you’ll find useful websites, documents and other resources about the Charter for Social Housing Residents and what we are doing to ensure we’re in line with these new guidelines.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, then please contact us by:
Telephone: 0300 304 5000
The following online resources will improve your understanding of the Charter