We're experiencing longer call waiting times than usual due to technical issues with our phone system. For non-urgent queries, please try calling later today. You can also email us at info@estuary.co.uk or message us via Facebook. For repair issues, contact Axis directly at 0808 169 1969.


We know it can be stressful if something breaks or needs replacing. 

If you need something fixing in your home which isn't down to you, please contact our repairs people, Axis. They're the contractors for all our properties, so this includes anything in your shared areas, like lighting in hallways or broken doors. 

You can do this in a number of ways, but our 24/7 service for ALL repairs, except emergencies, is our ChatBot service. This is available in Your Online Account. Using this service, you’ll be able to book appointment times that suit you and check existing appointments without having to wait on the phone. Just sign in, tap on Your Repairs and the ChatBot will appear in the bottom right of your screen. 

Of course, if you prefer to speak with one of the Axis advisors on the phone, or you have an emergency, please call Axis direct on 0808 169 1969

For non-urgent repairs, you can also email estuaryrepairs@axiseurope.com. This is a great option if you’d rather not call or use the ChatBot service.

Axis now offers a call-back service Monday to Friday between 8am and 3pm. The call-back service saves your space in the call queue so you’ll still get to speak with the Axis team at the same time as your call would have been answered, but in the meantime, you can get on with your day-to-day life. You are automatically offered this service if your call hasn’t been answered within 4 minutes but if you don't want to wait, then simply dial 55, leave your contact number and we will call you back as soon as one of our team becomes available.

We welcome any feedback on this service at feedback@estuary.co.uk

For general repairs, they're open Monday to Friday, 8am until 5pm. If you have an emergency, you can call anytime. An emergency repair will be attended within 24 hrs. Just to let you know, if you use the emergency service and it's found out it's not, you could be charged. 

What Counts As An Emergency?

Woman on phone while water is leaking from under sink

Sometimes it's difficult to know exactly what's classed as an emergency. 

To clear up any confusion, we've put together this handy list:

  1. Total loss of electricity 
  2. Dangerous electrical installation
  3. Total loss of water
  4. Water leaks that are uncontainable 
  5. Defective smoke detectors/fire alarms
  6. Blocked or uncontainable leaking toilet where there is only one in your home 
  7. Blocked drains and sewers if backing up in property or overflowing
  8. Loss of heating in winter months (October to March)
  9. Uncontainable roof leak
  10. Insecure property (front or back door), or ground floor window that can not be locked 
  11. Loose roof tile, gutter or drain pipe where dangerous
  12. Loose bricks or masonry where dangerous.

Anything else will be classed as a general repair and can be booked in with our routine repairs service with a lead time of 20 days (unless you choose to wait longer due to availability). 

Please, Treat Us as You Would Like to be Treated

Our team work hard and respond politely to you. On the most part, everyone we speak with is polite to us, too. 

However, that's not always the case. Sometimes, we have to have conversations with you which can be upsetting or frustrating. We understand you might be stressed, but swearing or aggressive behaviour is not acceptable. 

Abuse of any kind will be taken seriously and we will end conversations, this could be by finishing phone calls, leaving the room or asking you to leave. We'll then send you a written warning about your behaviour and how this fits in with your tenancy agreement. Depending on what happened, it could affect the services we give you.

Please, be kind. 

Smoke Free Home

We ask that you don't smoke when our staff, agents or contractors are in your home. We want to make sure our employees are kept safe from the effects of passive smoking whilst they are working with us. If you're smoking when we visit you, we may ask you to stop. 

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, are ready to stop or struggling to stay smoke-free we are able to make a referral to a Wellbeing Service who can provide support. Please contact us on 0300 304 5000 for further information.

Missed Appointments

Occasionally, something happens out of everyone's control and an appointment gets missed. Take a look at our missed appointments page to see what to do and if you're entitled to any compensation. 

Our Repairs Policy

If you'd like to find out more about how we manage repairs, our full repairs policy is available to download —  + Repairs Policy [pdf] 355KB. This details how we provide our repairs and maintenance service to customers that meet legal, statutory and regulatory requirements.  


Responsibility For Repairs

In summary:

  • Most internal and external repairs to the building and the communal areas such as lobbies and lifts are Estuary’s responsibility.
  • Tenants are responsible for the outside of your home and repairs to your garden.
  • Leaseholders are responsible for all repairs within the property boundary (the lease will provide more detailed information)

Property repair responsibilities for general needs and market rent tenants are detailed below:


Image Showing a Table with Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Doors


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibility for Floors


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Ceilings


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Fireplaces


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Staircases


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Bathrooms


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Kitchens

Hallways and Walls

Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Hallways


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Plumbing


Table Showing Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities for Alarms

Internal Decoration

Table showing landlord and tenant responsibilities for internal decoration

Home Security

Table showing landlord and tenant responsibilities for home security

Home Energy Efficiency

Table Showing Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities for home energy efficiency


Table Showing landlord and tenant responsibilities for gardens