Customer Voice Roadshows

Catch up with all our past and present Customer Voice Roadshows
Catch up with all our past and present Customer Voice Roadshows
In August, our team, along with the Resident Voice and Influence Panel, hit the road again for our annual Customer Voice Roadshows. We travelled across Southend, Basildon, Burnham on Crouch and Clacton to connect directly with our customers.
The goal of these roadshows was to gather valuable insights that would inform our Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Standards and Repairs Service Standards, as well as shape our new Corporate Strategy. By engaging with customers face-to-face, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and priorities.
Customers had the opportunity to interact with our team, RVIP and Axis, our repairs contractor. They shared their thoughts, asked questions, and learned more about the services we offer.
Check out the update video and photos too.
Screen opens with a blue gradient background and the Estuary Housing logo and the Axis logo fade in to the centre of the screen. |
00:03-00:07 |
Screen changes to Resident Focus, Action Day, Estuary Housing with a picture of Ian Martin, Estuary Chief Executive talking to an unseen person.
0:07-00:21 |
Screen changes to Ian Martin, who is standing behind an ice cream van on a field next to a block of flats. He speaks directly to the camera: So, estate days like the Customer Roadshow at Woodgrange Drive today is really important because we get to talk face to face with our customers and really understand what's important to them and that helps us shape policies strategies and procedures that benefit our customers.
Screen changes to a shot of pockets of people talking around walkways and the ice cream van. There is a gazabo in the middle of the walkways. Ian’s voice continues as a voiceover: And more strategically to talk to our customers about our corporate strategy which we're developing at the moment which will take the organisation through to 2030 |
Screen changes to a close up shot of QR codes showing different places to gain information and a form to be filled in. moving to a complaints leaflet and a shot of an Estuary banner. Ian’s voice continues as a voiceover: It’s so incredibly important that we get that right and we reflect the needs and wants and desires of our customers. |
0:39-0:49 |
Screen cuts to Helen Gregory, Directory of Customer. She’s standing on a walkway with the ice cream van, the gazebo and a black of flats behind here.
She speaks direct to the camera:
Days like today are really important because it's a great opportunity for us to speak to our customers face to face in a formal setting and to really find out about their own lived experiences. |
0:49-0:57 |
The screen cuts to a female Estuary employee speaking with a male tenant holding a small dog. It then cuts to a woman speaking with a man from the Resident Voice and Influence Panel.
Helen continues to speak as voiceover:
Finding out what's really important for our customers is absolutely vital for us to be able to review and improve our services. |
0:58-1:08 |
The screen changes to a montage of Estuary employees speaking tenants.
Louise from the Resident Voice and Influence Panel continues as a voiceover:
I think that it's been a really valuable day for the residents because the Estuary representatives have walked around knocking on all the doors,
1:08-1:21 |
The screen changes to Louise, who is standing in a more shady area with the gazebo and bushes behind her.
She speaks direct to the camera:
speaking to those Estuary residents that answered they've been able to put their point across they've been encouraged to be honest. If there are problems Estuary haven't shied away from that |
1:21-1:26 |
The screen changes to Estuary staff speaking with a resident at her front door.
Louise continues as a voiceover: and they have been able to have a conversation with those residents and I'm sure for those residents it was really reassuring to have that visit. |
1:28-1:37 |
The screen moves back to Louise, speaking direct to the camera:
It's been really interesting to walk around the flats and see just how much people obviously appreciate where they live. It's been a really interesting day and I'm really pleased I came.
Screen moves back to shots of Estuary staff speaking with tenants around about the gazebo. |
1:40-1:52 |
The screen cuts to Patrick Symington, Estiary Board Member, Chair of Audit and Risk
He is standing a similar place to Ian and speak directly to the camera:
It's been a really interesting day so far. It’s been lovely to meet some of the residents and hear about what is important to them and what Estuary might be able to do for them. |
1:52-1:55 |
The screen moves to a still photo of the Estuary and Resident Voice and Influence Panel team, all together and smiling.
Patrick continues as a voiceover:
I’ve also met contractors from Axis and lots of staff from Estuary, |
1:56-2:04 |
The screen moves to a video of a child approaching the ice cream van with an adult and accepting an ice cream, followed by a shot of the front of the ice cream van and then staff speaking with residents at the gazebo.
Patrick continues with voiceover:
Some of the children from the estate as well who've been eating ice creams and uh enjoying themselves and it's uh really nice to be here and get a chance to see what's happening on a lovely day in the middle of summer
2:05-2:25 |
The screen moves back to Patrick, who speaks to the camera direct:
As a board member, we are collectively responsible for ultimately the strategy of the organisation. How we make investment decisions, what is important to us and what we do for the future. And it's really interesting to get direct input from residents and from other people on the estate see how things are like and I've greatly enjoyed being here. |
2:26-2:40 |
The screen moves to a shot of Estuary staff having a team brief around the gazebo. The moves back to Helen. Helen speaks to the camera direct: Our partnership relationship with Axis is vitally important because they are responsible for delivering the service that is most important to our customers. |
2:41-3:20 |
The screen changes to Ian Martin and Patrick Symington listening to one of the Estuary employees explaining something. A montage of Estuary staff listening to colleagues and staff follows as Ian continues as a voiceover, before cutting back to Ian speaking to the camera direct: Our partnership with Axis is longstanding and I think both parties really value that enables us to have those difficult conversations about how our repair service is delivered make the changes that we need to benefit our customers. And, probably as importantly, to make sure that we deal with things properly when they go wrong, as sometimes they inevitably will I think we really value Axis’ contribution to the community. They've taken part in a number of estate days and use their corporate social responsibility to support our residents in various projects and have contributed to the social value that this contract delivers Screen fade to black – end of video. |
We're really pleased we got to meet so many people in 2023, take a look at our Customer Voice Roadshow round up video and summaries:
We have been working closely with our customers at Kings House on a weekly basis to keep them up to date with developments and also answer any questions or concerns they may have.
Window servicing –We were informed that window servicing was needed following cladding work. We are happy to inform you that was attended to in August.
We have carried out a significant amount of work to ensure that Vickers House meets the most stringent fire safety standards. After allocating funds to meet this requirement it has left us with limited funds to undertake other works now. Therefore this work is pushed back to Autumn 2024. We are now prioritising safety works required across our housing stock.
Our residents told us they love living here.
It is important that any ASB witnessed is reported to ensure we can work with communities to manage this effectively. If you would like to report ASB please follow the instructions here ASB | Estuary.
It is important that fly-tipping is reported so we can take action, last year we dealt with over 50 incidents of fly-tipping and thousands of inappropriate waste disposal. As a result, we try to identify those responsible and take necessary steps to prevent reoccurrences such as reporting incidents to the Police and recharging those responsible. It is important that all households dispose of waste responsibly. If you witness fly-tipping you can report this to. If you would like to report fly-tipping, please email or call 0300 304 5000
We visited communities in Southend, Colchester, Romford, Thurrock and Great Dunmow to reconnect with our customers and to learn about their priorities and preferences.
To read the feedback we received, and to find out what matters most to our customers, take a look at our Customer Voice Roadshow.pdf [pdf] 4MB report.
The report is designed to be printed, but if you would prefer us to provide this in another language or format (including Braille), please contact us to request.