Applying for Social Housing

Information on how you can apply for social housing.
Information on how you can apply for social housing.
We're sorry, but our housing waiting list is closed at the moment.
The only exception to this will be if you're an Estuary general needs tenant and you meet the criteria for urgent rehousing or downsize.
If you think this is you, please email and, although we can't promise anything, we'll do our best to help.
There's a few different ways you can apply for social housing. You may be able to register with a local authority. As they work with all social landlords in their area, they have access to far more properties than we can offer.
Most of our homes are let through the local authority’s choice-based lettings schemes. If you are registered for rehousing with the local authority, then you would be able to bid for our properties through them. This will be the best way to go if you're looking for a social housing home.
We do have a housing register, but this is closed at the moment. If you're already a tenant of ours and you need rehousing for any of the reasons below, you can contact us to discuss your rehousing needs.
If you're already in social housing, the quickest way to find the type of home in the right area is by a mutual exchange. Our tenants can register for free on and
The short answer is, we just don't know.
We have our own waiting list which is closed at the moment and most of our lets are carried out are through local authority.
Even if you're already on our waiting list, we're not able to say exactly how long you will have to wait. This is because wait times depend on individual circumstances and also how many homes we have available to relet.
Our homes information page has information on how many homes we have in each local authority area. This shows the number of homes we relet from April 2023 to March 2024, for each size home. You will see the number of relets from our own list is very low.
As there's a shortage of social housing, applicants are unlikely to be able to choose houses or bungalows in preference to flats or maisonettes
Of course, we will contact you as soon as a property becomes available if you're next in line to be offered a home.
You must let us know any change of address or circumstances as soon as they happen.
Every year you're on the waiting list, we'll email you a review form, which you must fill in and return to us. If you don't do this within 10 days of it being sent, your application will be closed and you'll have to start the process again.
If a property suitable for you becomes available, we'll take the following steps: