We're experiencing longer call waiting times than usual due to technical issues with our phone system. For non-urgent queries, please try calling later today. You can also email us at info@estuary.co.uk or message us via Facebook. For repair issues, contact Axis directly at 0808 169 1969.
We use the word ‘customer’ because it means everyone who receives a service from us. Most of our customers are tenants, some are residents living with tenants. Everyone is a customer.
Customer Engagement
Customer Engagement is all about listening and acting on your feedback, making sure the customer voice is embedded in our governance, scrutiny and community work. We are keen to hear your suggestions for improving our services as well as ideas on how to deliver community investments.
We are committed to making sure that our homes and services meet your needs now and in the future. By listening to customers and involving you in what we do, you can influence decisions and shape improvements to services at Estuary.
During the long hot summer of 2022, we went out every week to talk to customers. We asked them about their priorities and preferences for engaging with us. We spoke to over 250 households and shared hundreds of ice-creams along the way. The feedback we received shaped our Customer Engagement Strategy [pdf] 5MB
Why Get Involved?
Active involvement with Estuary will give you the chance to:
- Gain useful skills for personal and professional development.
- Meet new people.
- Increase your knowledge in a range of housing services.
Training and ongoing support is always provided. You might want to learn how to improve your presentation skills, chair a meeting, understand more about finance or housing law. Talk to us about what you think you’d benefit from.
So that our involvement opportunities are accessible to all and don’t cost you more than energy and enthusiasm, we will pay your reasonable expenses such as travel costs, carer costs (child or adult) etc.
To do all this properly, we need you on board to share your opinions and shape what we do. Fancy getting involved? Please email involvement@estuary.co.uk, including you name, number and address and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Voice and Influence Panel - VIP (formally Federation of Estuary Residents - FER)
Resident VIPs make sure your voice is heard at all levels across the organisation. They meet regularly to monitor our performance and talk about current issues and topics that matter to you.
We're really pleased with our Tpas re-accreditation!
By undertaking the accreditation process, we demonstrate our commitment to customer engagement. This provides assurance that our ways of working with customers are effective and offer the best value for money.
Achieving Tpas accreditation demonstrates we are developing a strong culture of involvement across Estuary to create business improvements with our customers.
Learn more about Tpas at https://www.tpas.org.uk/about-tpas
Included in our membership is a range of learning materials for residents (and our staff, too!). Please sign up to take a look at what’s on offer at https://www.tpas.org.uk/landlord/employee/create-member/55