4. Applications for housing via our waiting list
4.1 We have a limited number of homes to offer due to the nomination agreements with local authorities. We will allocate to these from our housing waiting list. This consists of our own transferring tenants and non-Estuary applicants.
4.2 Our waiting list will open and close as required to ensure we have sufficient applicants to meet our obligations and empty homes are let as soon as possible. This may relate to whole local authority areas, or specific size or type of home. This information will be available on our website. For customers not able to access the website this can be provided on request.
4.3 Where we have an open waiting list, we will consider all applicants who wish to move from their current home where there is a housing need.
4.4 Where our waiting lists are closed, we will only consider applications from our current social housing tenants where they qualify under the Priority Rehousing Policy; or where there is a proven need to be closer to family to give or receive support; or for guaranteed employment.
4.5 Where an application is received and there is no housing need the applicant will not be accepted onto our waiting list.
4.6 We will not allow a transfer during any probationary period of a fixed term tenancy unless there is a risk to life or serious medical condition. These cases will be considered via our Priority Rehousing Policy.
4.7 Applicants must not have rent arrears with their current landlord to be accepted onto our waiting list. The only exception to this is for current EHA social rented tenants who have proved they will be financially better off, i.e., downsizing or where a transfer has been agreed under our Priority Rehousing Policy.
4.8 All applicants are required to keep us updated with any change in their circumstances. Failure to do so may result in an offer of accommodation being withdrawn or removal from our housing waiting list. This includes an annual review of their application.
4.9 Applicants will have the opportunity to specify a local authority area of their choice as part of the application process. We will allocate homes within any area of that local authority. Where an applicant has stated a specific location, they wish to live, or not wish to live, this will only be accepted if this is due to a medical need, or supported by the Police, Social Services, or other similar agencies.
4.10 We will consider applicants needs to be near a special education school catchment or family support networks, where the needs of the children would be improved. Our ability to do this may be restricted by the limited number of properties in certain local authority areas.
4.11 Our waiting list operates on a points-based system. Generally, the applicant with the highest points will be offered an available home. However, where the home is adapted or ground floor, we will offer to the household most suited to this home. Therefore, it may not be an applicant with the highest points. 4.12 Applicants will receive one offer of a suitable home in the local authority area of choice. Due to the urgent nature of rehousing, we will generally telephone or email to advise there is an offer of accommodation. If required, we will post an offer of accommodation letter. However, if an applicant fails to respond within 48 hours of contact, we will move on to the next applicant.
4.13 We will arrange an accompanied viewing with one of our people. Applicants are encouraged to view so they can make an informed decision whether to accept or refuse the offer.
4.14 Where an applicant refuses with or without viewing this will be counted as a formal offer. Refusing the offer will result in the applicant being removed from the waiting list. They will not be able to reapply for a minimum of 6 months and to be eligible still have a housing need.
4.15 Where an applicant or a member of the household is pregnant, we will not count this child as part of the household until after they are born. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide a copy of the birth certificate. The birth of a child does not automatically entitle an applicant to larger accommodation. We can only consider this where we have open waiting lists.
4.16 We will not normally accept applicants who have been evicted or are subject to a court order for any breach of tenancy.
4.17 For non-EHA applicants we will request a reference from your current landlord, and we reserve the right to contact previous landlords, to ensure any tenancy has been conducted satisfactorily.
4.18 For EHA tenants we will inspect your home prior to accepting you onto the waiting list. Where this has not been kept to our required standard, you will not be allowed onto the waiting list. Once the property meets our requirements you can be reconsidered. A further inspection will be conducted before an offer is made where the previous inspection is more than 6 months old, or we have concerns about the condition of the home. If the home is not to our standards, then we may withdraw the offer.
4.19 For the purposes of this policy Estuary’s market rent and mortgage rescue customers are not entitled to transfer. However, they can apply to join our housing waiting list, where these are open.
4.20 Estuary Board members, employees, or their close relatives can apply for housing. The link must be disclosed on the application form. Their application will need to be agreed in accordance with Section 7 of our Probity Policy.
4.21 Where applicants or tenants have pets, permission will be needed from Estuary to keep the pet/s in any of our homes. Please refer to our Pet Keeping Policy. Where permission is not granted, or the property has a restriction on pets, if an applicant refuses an offer due to this reason the offer will count as a suitable offer. The exception to this is where it can be evidenced the pet is required for day-to-day living (i.e., guide dog for the blind, hard of hearing etc), by a suitable agency or qualified professional.
4.22 Where we refuse or reject an applicant or offer of accommodation, we will give clear reasons why.