We're experiencing longer call waiting times than usual due to technical issues with our phone system. For non-urgent queries, please try calling later today. You can also email us at info@estuary.co.uk or message us via Facebook. For repair issues, contact Axis directly at 0808 169 1969.
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We’ve listened to your feedback and are excited to introduce a new email address for reporting non-urgent repairs! Why use the new email? Easier tracking – Keep a written record of you...

Over the past few months, we have been busy working on our new 2025-30 Corporate Strategy. Thank you to all customers who were involved in this process, your input is vital in shaping our future. A qu...

We ask that you don't smoke when our staff, agents or contractors are working in your home. We want to make sure our employees are kept safe from the effects of passive smoking, so if you're smoking w...

Video not for you? View the Rent Changes 2025 Video Transcript Why are Rents Changing? Like many other housing associations, we face increasing costs associated with maintaining and improving your...