Join the Resident Voice and Influence Panel
Reasons to join us.
Customer Engagement Strategy
Our customer engagement strategy.
The Resident Voice and Influence Panel (RVIP) are the independent, resident-led group that holds us to account through performance monitoring, scrutiny and challenge to ensure continuous improvement.
In March 2023 the panel approved a new Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct for involved residents. We worked with our involved residents and TPAS to develop the new model and structure using customer feedback and guidance on resident group structures and co-regulation.
The structure builds on the strengths of RVIP and creates more varied and rewarding opportunities for residents who want to get involved with monitoring our performance and shaping our services.
If you're interested in being part of the future resident involvement team at Estuary, take a look at the recruitment process below and email, including your name, phone number and address.
RVIP Meeting Notes
General Actions & Updates
• Louise to be sent RVIP meeting notes via email (email address to be checked).
• Kayleigh Paveley notes PR.
J - Governance & Regulation
• Presented A History of Social Housing covering past regulatory bodies.
• Former Regulation split into Economic and Consumer; where only Economic Standards were proactively regulated.
• Regulation abolished in April 2024 resulting in all the standards being proactively regulated as well as new Consumer Standards being introduced.
• Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) inspection standards:
o G Ratings (Governance): G1 (best) → G4 (worst, board replacement risk). G1 and G2 are compliant – G3 and G4 non-compliant
o V Ratings (Financial Viability): V1 (strong) → V4 (high risk). Vi and V2 are compliant – V3 and V4 are non-compliant
o C Ratings (Customer engagement): Assessed via interviews.
• Estuary’s current standing:
o V2 rating (some risk, but manageable).
o C grading still pending.
o Complaints performance slightly below target but reasonable given volume.
• Next steps: General arrears stats to be released on 20th.
Nicholas - Repairs & Maintenance
• Repairs performance update:
o Jobs completed on time: 80%.
o Average days to complete a repair: 18.1 (December/January delays).
o Axis issues (water leaks on the Woodgrange Estate, operatives to be available Tuesdays & Wednesdays).
• Complaints trends:
o High complaint volume in January (expected seasonal trend).
o Voids update: Two available for RVIP visits on 4th March at noon - (WDE & York Road).
Damp & Mould Concerns
• Echo report discussion:
o Issues with old copper pipes, construction defects, surface water.
o Customer concerns: Some cases are condensation (tenant responsibility).
o Complaint escalation: One call should suffice; follow-up process in place.
• Next steps:
o RVIPs invited to submit addresses with concerns.
o Damp & mould to be a key topic at the next RVIP meeting.
o Madeleine to contact Louise to check settings in Teams for joining meetings.
Mark - Asset Management & Planned Works
• Team expansion: Ben Seaden, Elise Walker, Sean Kelly.
• Decent Homes Standard:
o Prioritizing building safety & long-term work planning.
o Stock condition surveys: Conducted by Arc, take 20-40 mins.
o Damp & mould flagged for Nic’s team if found.
o 100% Decent Homes compliance target by March 2025.
• Kitchen replacements: Older kitchens prioritized. Issues to be reported via KeyStone.
Customer Voice & Engagement
• Louise Haines liaising with Gemma Kopel-Doree; will join EDI Forum in March.
• Customer profiling updates: Positive response from customers; improves communication.
Health & Safety
• BT liaising with Axis; next meeting date pending.
• Les McDonald interested in attending on a rotating basis.
• New staff member Frankie expected to bring improvements.
• All RVIPs invited to attend meetings.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, 4th March 2025, 12 Noon
RVIPs: Lynda, Louise, Bob, Fatou, Les
Estuary Staff: Bali, Susan, Michael, Helen, Alisa
Apologies: Eve, Kayleigh, Julia
1. Customer Voice Roadshow
2. Annual Report
3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
4. Supporting Vulnerable Residents
5. Estuary in Bloom 2024
6. Compliance and Repairs
7. Axis Feedback
8. Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Cases
9. Sub-Groups and Initiatives
10. Axis Community Funding
11. Other Business
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 20, 4:30–6:00 pm
July Meeting Summary
1. Steve's Departure:
2. Aids and Adaptations Policy:
3. Repairs Policy:
4. Repairs Update:
5. Customer Voice Roadshow:
June Meeting Summary
1. New Communications Role:
2. Customer Voice Roadshows:
3. Annual Report:
4. KPIs:
5. Customer Voice Subgroups:
6. Customer Engagement Strategy:
7. AOB:
May Meeting Summary
April Meeting Summary
1. Customer Voice Roadshows:
2. CCTV and Lighting:
3. KPI Performance:
4. Housing & Maintenance:
5. Subgroup Updates:
March Meeting Summary
We're small group of people who are a broad mix of Estuary residents from different locations and housing types, including social housing, supported housing, and leasehold owners. As well as a mix of residents, it is supported by Estuary staff. Ongoing support and helpful training will be offered to all, so that everyone feels confidently able to enjoy membership.
We are committed to making sure members represent people with different experiences, living in a wide range of areas and in different property types. We value the varied experiences of customers, and we want to ensure all voices are heard.
When someone expresses interest to join the panel the applicant will be considered by the RVIP during their monthly meeting.
If you're interested in being part of resident involvement at Estuary, please email, including you name, number and address.
RVIP are the independent, resident-led group that holds us to account through performance monitoring, scrutiny, and challenge to ensure continuous improvement.
Resident Voice & Influence Panel do this by:
1. Why does the group exist?
1.1 We support RVIP to deliver our commitment to meet the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standards within the regulatory framework for social housing in England.
1.2 RVIP lead on various Scrutiny projects and share recommendations based on their findings to ensure we can strengthen our service delivery.
1.3 RVIP review our performance monthly and hold Estuary to account where required and monitor improvement action plans.
1.4 Representatives from RVIP attend our Customer Experience Committee on a quarterly basis to ensure we are challenged. The committee will ensure that the customers’ voice influences decisions and strategies set by the Board.
2. We welcome residents who would like to join the panel, or who are interested to know more.
2.1 RVIP will be a small group of about 10 people who are a broad mix of Estuary residents from different locations and housing types, including social housing, supported housing, market rent and leasehold owners. As well as a mix of residents, it will be supported by the Customer Engagement Team and Estuary staff. Ongoing support and helpful training will be offered to all, so that everyone feels confidently able to enjoy membership.
2.2 We are committed to making sure members represent people with different experiences, living in a wide range of areas and in differing property types. We value the varied experiences of customers, and we want to ensure all voices are heard.
2.3 The panel will be made up of people who bring different skills and interests. Members may choose to focus on a particular topic whilst being part of the main panel:
3. The role:
3.1 The panel needs members who are engaged and can:
3.2 As a panel member acting on behalf of Estuary residents, you will:
o Customer Strategy
o Value for Money Strategy
o Sustainability/Net Zero Strategy
o Building Safety Strategy
4. Your commitment as a panel member
4.1 You will take part in meetings which will be available in a way which suits members.
4.2 The panel will:
5. How members are supported
5.1 Members will receive an induction to the panel when they join to go through various aspects to support them in their role.
5.2 Members will be provided with opportunities to attend training and shadowing to learn more about what Estuary does.
5.3 Members will be encouraged to speak with various customers and take on board their feedback and feed this into the work which they do.
5.4 RVIP have a budget to support their scrutiny work as well as expenses associated to their role, training and development needs.
5.5 Members will be supported in communicating and sharing their work with wider customer groups. This will encourage wider viewpoints and strengthened evidence gathering to be considered as part of their work.
This Code of Conduct is a set of rules for all Resident-led Panels, Groups and Forums. It’s been designed with residents to make sure everyone is treated fairly.
Respect is one of our core values. We’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct in all areas and expect individuals taking part in meetings and events or representing the organisation to follow this Code of Conduct.
This Code of Conduct draws upon the new National Housing Federation’s Code of Conduct 2022, which Estuary has adopted.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure:
• that all members feel welcome and can contribute at meetings,
workshops, and events.
• that meetings are held in an open and professional manner.
• that the highest standards of behaviour are always maintained by members.
This code of conduct covers all meetings of residents hosted by Estuary including:
• Panels and their subgroups.
• Working groups, topic groups and other similar groups.
• Conferences and events, including the annual residents conference.
1. Personal Conduct
Those attending meetings, workshops and events must:
1.1 Value diversity and not discriminate against any person on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex or sexual orientation.
1.2 Behave in a polite, respectful, and appropriate manner at all times.
1.3 Not make derogatory, inflammatory, or personal remarks about other people.
1.4 Welcome new members and make them feel comfortable.
2. Declarations of interest
2.1 Members must declare any conflict of interest (e.g., putting forward a recommendation that they would benefit from. The rest of the group will then decide whether the member should or shouldn’t take part in any related activities. If in any doubt, the advice of the Customer Engagement Manager or appropriate senior leader should be sought.
2.2 Members should notify the Customer Engagement Team if they have a personal interest or could benefit personally from a decision before the item is discussed.
3. Confidentiality and Openness
3.1 We (Estuary) are committed to working in an open and transparent way. Any items which are unavoidably confidential will be clearly marked “Confidential” and must be treated as such by members.
3.2 When residents are to be involved in matters of a clearly confidential nature such as the appointment of staff or procurement of services, we (Estuary) may set conditions for involvement.
3.3 Members must keep any non-public information or paperwork they receive in a secure place. This includes documents or information held electronically. Such paperwork should be disposed of via the Customer Engagement Team for secure disposal and not through general/household waste and recycling.
4.0 Conduct at Meetings
Members, staff, and guests will always observe the following when taking part in meetings:
4.1 Conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at all times.
4.2 Members should come prepared for meetings, having read all relevant documents, and bringing the relevant paperwork.
4.3 Members should arrive on time for meetings and send apologies if they are going to be late or absent. Meetings should start on time.
4.4 Keep mobile phones switched to silent mode during meetings. If an emergency is anticipated, keep the chair informed prior to the meeting.
4.5 Members must follow the agenda and keep to the subject under discussion.
4.6 Treat everyone fairly and with respect:
4.6 Keep matters discussed confidential, not discussing issues described as ‘confidential’ with any person or body outside the meeting.
4.7 Follow the agenda.
4.8 Not use abusive language or deliberately disrupt meetings.
4.9 Attend meetings free from the influence of alcohol or illegal substances etc.
4.10 Members must not discuss any individual personal issues, or raise complaints, within a meeting unless it is to give an example that applies generally to residents.
5.0 Use of Social Media
5.1 Estuary encourages residents to use social media to coordinate activities, network and connect with other residents, and promote resident involvement. These guidelines are meant to assist our resident volunteers in using social media in an effective and responsible manner.
5.2 Consider yourself responsible for what you share or promote. Link
to reputable sources of information. Refer people requiring help with customer care issues to Estuary’s Customer Care team at or 0300 304 5000.
5.3 Take care to present yourself as a resident volunteer. Avoid statements, profile information or profile pictures that give the impression you are an Estuary employee.
5.4 Conduct on social media should be the same as within meetings. Please see 4.6 above. You should avoid speech that threatens, insults, or ridicules any person or groups based on their race, religion, gender, disability, or other characteristic.
6.0 Procedures for possible Breaches of the Code
6.1 A verbal warning will be given to attendees if they are in breach of the Code of Conduct.
6.2 Anyone in breach of the Code may be requested to leave the meeting if a majority agree.
6.3 In the event of serious or repeated breaches, a person may be permanently excluded from future attendance at some, or all meetings hosted by Estuary. Alternatively, in such cases, a person may be excluded from some meetings.
6.4. The authority to exclude a person/people, including the chair, from all meetings shall rest with the Customer Engagement Manager or senior Estuary manager.
6.5. Any person, including the chair, permanently excluded from any meetings shall have the right to appeal to the Customer Engagement Manager to re-examine the decision.
6.6 In the case of staff, breaches of the code shall be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.
7.0 Responsibilities
7.1 Members should try to ensure that positive relationships are maintained within the group, the wider population of residents and with Estuary and contractors. Where it is necessary to raise issues of staff, Board or contractor performance, these must be raised constructively and through the appropriate channels.
7.2 Members should aim to achieve Value for Money (VfM) in all activities and recommendations.
7.3 Members should make sure their recommendations are based on evidence.
7.4 Members should make sure they carry out any agreed tasks within the agreed time frame.
7.6 Members must take part in any required or agreed training.
8.0 Monitoring and Review
8.1 This Code of Conduct will be regularly monitored and where necessary, reviewed and updated to reflect any regulatory changes and/or good practice.
I have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Involved Residents and agree to abide to all aspects of this document.
Resident Voice and Influence Panel member
Reasons to join us.
Our customer engagement strategy.
We're really pleased with our Tpas re-accreditation!
By undertaking the accreditation process, we demonstrate our commitment to customer engagement. This provides assurance that our ways of working with customers are effective and offer the best value for money.
Achieving Tpas accreditation demonstrates we are developing a strong culture of involvement across Estuary to create business improvements with our customers.
Learn more about Tpas at
Included in our membership is a range of learning materials for residents (and our staff, too!). Please sign up to take a look at what’s on offer at
We are a member of Tpas, England’s leading tenant engagement experts!
Tpas is a not-for-profit organisation representing members across England since 1988. They are dedicated to promoting, supporting, and championing tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across the country. Their membership includes local tenants and landlord organisations, covering an impressive 3 million homes. Additionally, they have a growing commercial membership comprising contractors, sub-contractors, and affiliates.
So, what does Tpas do? They are committed to improving tenant engagement standards nationwide. By bringing together tenants, landlords, and contractors, Tpas offers a wide range of services, independent and impartial advice, support, consultancy, and training. Their goal is to provide both tenants and landlords with the skills and knowledge necessary to work together effectively, fostering meaningful conversations, finding solutions, saving money, and creating lasting change in communities.
Included in our membership is a range of learning materials for residents (and our staff, too!). Please sign up to take a look at what’s on offer at