Financial Help and Assistance

It’s important to make sure you get all the help your entitled to, including benefits and tax credits. You can use this helpful calculator to see what you may be entitled to: 

Affordability calculator for new tenants

Benefit calculator

We're here to help with applications and answer any questions you might have.

Email us

Or call 0300 304 5000

Debt Advice

We're not able to give debt advice, so we have partnered with the Money and Pensions Service. We can make a direct referral for you or give you the details to contact them directly.

If you would like some help or information, some links which you might find useful are below: 

  • MoneyHelper  – information benefits budgeting, debt and much more. Used to be the Money Advice Service
  • Citizens Advice – benefits, work, debt, consumer, immigration and more
  • Money Saving Expert– information on benefits, energy bills, work and much more
  • Everyday Money - Advice to help you use your money in the best way you can
  • Turn2Us - Information about grants, and advice to help you manage your money and pay your bills.

One Estuary Fund

We know our customers face challenging financial times. Unexpected costs or loss of income can tip the balance for those who might already be struggling. We want to prevent the use of high-cost credit or loans from dishonest lenders.

The One Estuary Fund (formerly the Tenants Emergency Assistance Fund) is available to help you cope with a sudden emergency or to help with longer-term solutions. 

Residents who receive an award from this fund are not expected to make any payment back. Items and services are provided as gifts. The limit for One Estuary Fund applications is £500 per household per 12 months. 

Download the form  and email us

If you are having difficulties, give us a call and let us help.

Can I Apply?

You can apply for assistance directly. Where a support need is identified, we will help with the process.   

You can apply if:

  • You are a current tenant of ours who has a liability to pay rent (This includes Shared Ownership and Market Rent)
  • You agree to complete an income and expenditure assessment, and engage with any recommendations and supportive intervention agreed with us.

You cannot apply if:

  • You are in significant breach of your tenancy or lease; or are in legal dispute with us. Exceptions may be made where the breach is due to rent arrears
  • You have received assistance from this fund within the last 12 months.

What Can I Apply For?

Support takes many forms. Below are some examples where we have assisted in the past.  If what you need is not on the list, still apply as we may still be able to help you. Each application will be considered on its own merits, where there are proven financial concerns.

Examples of support include:

  • Foodbank or supermarket vouchers.
  • Home energy costs.
  • Fridge, oven, washing machine.
  • Beds.
  • Skills development in related activities.

Please note: This fund cannot be used to assist with payments for loans or, non-Estuary Housing Association debt.

What Happens With My Application?

Your application is reviewed by our Benefits Officers. They will complete an in-depth assessment to make sure you are receiving the correct benefits. They will also work with Housing and Income Officers to discuss your case. Sometimes we may need to visit you to obtain more details.

We aim to decide within 5 working days of receiving all the information we need. However, this may vary depending on the reason and the complexity of the application. We will keep you informed of the progress of your application.

Other Support And Financial Help

We will discuss all available options as part of the application process. We will help you apply for:

  • Local Authority funds (i.e., Discretionary housing payments, Homelessness Prevention Grant, Housing Support Fund)
  • Utility Company Support schemes
  • Other charitable funds.

Please note: We are not registered to give debt advice. If you need this type of advice, we can help with a referral to the Money & Pensions Service. Alternatively, we can give you information of other regulated debt advice services.

If you need more day-to-day support, we can make referral to a floating support service.