Procurement at Estuary

Procurement covers the full range of activities related to obtaining goods, works and services from the initial decision to buy, the process of obtaining bids from suppliers, awarding contracts, contract management, to the end of a service contract or the useful life of an asset, including its disposal. Effective procurement is essential to delivering quality services while providing best value for money.

In undertaking procurement processes, we aim to ensure that we deliver a service which best meets the needs of Estuary and our customers by applying these principles:


All procurement is to be carried out in an open fully transparent, accountable manner. Scrutiny of procurement decisions will demonstrate good stewardship of money.

Value for Money

Application of the best blend of economy, efficiency, effectiveness, not just the lowest price.  In assessing VFM, we also consider benefits in terms of reducing wastage and improving service delivery and delivering social value.

As part of this commitment to delivering Value for Money across all our contracts, we have annual targeted procurement savings whilst we continue to maintain and improve upon our services.

Public Good and Social Value:

Where possible, procurement activity will encourage the creation of new jobs, skills and training opportunities in the community we serve, encourage supplier diversity and small businesses, ensure public safety and encourage ways of working and operational delivery that achieve social, economic and environmental benefits for our customers and the wider community.


We will maintain a customer focus through all the stages of a procurement and use good governance practices to prevent misconduct, fraud and corruption. We have clear policies and procedures that adopt legally compliant best practice procurement procedures and techniques.

Fair Treatment and Non-Discrimination

Suppliers will be treated equally and fairly in a non-discriminatory manner.  Procurement decisions will be made on an impartial basis and avoid conflicts of interest before, during and after award of a contract.