We're making phone calls to some customers to understand their support needs better. Calls will come from 0300 304 5000.
Our officers may also ask you some questions about support needs when you contact our call centre.


Abuse, neglect or harm of any kind, is always unacceptable.

We're committed to doing everything in our power to keep people safe. 

We have a key safeguarding role to play, alongside professionals in social care, health and the police, in keeping people safe.

The #Safetosay campaign developed a new approach to safeguarding. We want to maintain a strong safeguarding culture so will take every opportunity to openly discuss safeguarding issues and encourage all staff at all levels (and customers) to speak up if something doesn’t seem right. 

Safeguarding Contacts

Safeguarding Children and Young Adults

If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed or neglected or is at risk of this you should contact the below:

Where there are concerns about the immediate welfare or safety of a child/young person:

During working hours:
Essex: 0345 603 7627
Southend: 01702 215007
Thurrock: 01375 652802

Out of hours:
(5.30pm - 9.00am Monday - Thursday, 4.30pm Friday - 9.00am Monday and Bank holidays)

Southend and Essex:
Tel: 0345 606 1212
fct@southend.gov.uk (Southend)
Emergency.DutyTeamOutOfHours@essex.gov.uk (Essex)

Tel: 01375 372468

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Police: 101 or 999

Childline: 0800 1111 (Free)

If you would like further information about the Southend Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) you can do so by visiting https://www.safeguardingsouthend.co.uk/ and Essex Safeguarding Children's Board you can do so by visiting: www.escb.co.uk


Safeguarding Adults

Abuse of adults is never okay. If you are being abused, or believe that someone is being abused it is vital that you tell someone. Do this as soon as you can using one of the contact numbers below:

 Police : 101 or 999

Social Care Direct: 0345 6037630 - Essex - Southend :01702 215008 - Thurrock: 01375 511000

If you would like further information about the Essex Safeguarding Adults Board you can do so by visiting: www.essexsab.org.uk

Details of other useful Safeguarding website links for other areas are also available.

Safeguarding Leads

Our + Corporate Safeguarding Policy[pdf] 464KB document is available to download and includes the details of our Safeguarding Leads.

Our Strategic Safeguarding Lead is:  

Helen Gregory – Director of Customer Services

Contact details: 0300 304 5000

Our Housing Operational Safeguarding Lead is:

Susan Harland - Housing Operations Manager

Contact details: 0300 304 5000

Our Supported Living Operational Safeguarding Lead is:

Lucy Drake - Head of Care and Support Operations

Contact details: 0300 304 5000