Rent Change 2025 - Video Transcript
Start: |
The standard screen background of a cream coloured background with Estuary logo in the top left corner and five polka style dots scattered around the screen. Throughout, text appears on the screen as it is read. |
00:00:00-00:00:05 |
Title Screen: The words Rent Increases Explained appear to the left with a pile of change and coins. Voice Over: Rent increases explained. |
00:00:05-00:00:14 |
Screen moves on to standard screen: Voice Over: |
00:00:14-00:00:15 |
[Screen changes to show “CPI + 1%” and changes back to text to match speech] |
00:00:16-00:00:21 |
Voice Over: |
00:00:22-00:00:23 |
[Screen changes to show “2.7%” and changes back to text to match speech] |
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For leaseholders, any increase is done in line with the terms of your lease. |
00:00:28-00:00:43 |
Voice Over: However, we understand our customers may be struggling due to the costs of living. Because of this, where possible, we have not increased the service charge by more than £325 per household. |
00:00:43-00:00:48 |
[Screen changes to show £325 per household and changes back to text to match speech] |
00:00:48-00:00:52 |
Title Screen: The words Rent Increases, when does it change? Appear to the left, with a small set of keys in front of a door and keylock to the right. Voice Over: |
00:00:52-00:00:56 |
Screen moves on to standard screen: Voice Over: |
00:00:56-00:01:02 |
Voice Over: |
00:01:02-00:01:11 |
Voice Over: |
00:01:11-00:01:13 |
[Screen changes to show “Please read the letter carefully”, and moves back to match the speech] Voice Over: |
00:01:13-00:01:19 |
Voice Over: |
00:01:19-00:01:22 |
[Screen changes to show Keep the letter safe, and moves back to the standard screen] Voice Over: |
00:01:22-00:01:29 |
Voice Over: |
00:01:29-00:01:34 |
Title Screen: The words "Rent Increases, What Do I Need to Do?" appear to the left, with a hand using a calculator next to a computer keyboard on the right. Voice Over: |
00:01:34-00:01:42 |
Screen moves on to standard screen: Voice Over: |
00:01:42-00:01:49 |
[Screen changes to show "There's always an exception!", and moves back to the standard screen] Voice Over: If you live in the Maldon District Council area, they prefer we tell them. |
00:01:49-00:02:12 |
Voice Over: Please don’t forget as they may not backdate your benefit payments. Put this in your calendar as a reminder. |
00:02:12-00:02:26 |
[Screen changes to show "We'll adjust your Direct Debit...", and moves back to the standard screen] Voice Over: If you pay us using Direct Debit we’ll adjust this for you from April. This will include any agreement you have made to clear arrears. |
00:02:26-00:02:42 |
[Screen changes to show "...but not any other form of payment", and moves back to the standard screen] Voice Over: We cannot change any other form of payment. So, if you pay by another method, you will have to make the changes yourself. With some ways of paying, this might take some time, so it's best to let them know as soon as you do. Some banks need 10 working days' notice. |
00:02:42-00:02:54 |
Voice Over: You can check our website, This will provide you with lots of information and places to help. |
00:02:54-00:03.03 |
Voice Over: |
00:03.03-00:03.15 |
Voice Over: You do not have to be in arrears to be struggling, so call or message us if you need to talk about your situation. Our teams are here to help. |
00:03:15-00:03:29 |
Voice Over: Contact us. You can call us on 0300 304 5000, check our socials or visit our website You can find us on Facebook or you can email us [Screen changes to contact details, showing 0300 304 5000,, estuaryha on Facebook and email address] |