Our officers may also ask you some questions about support needs when you contact our call centre.
Our officers may also ask you some questions about support needs when you contact our call centre.
Our Performance
We want to be open and clear about how we're doing, and we do a lot!
So, we've broken down our reporting into areas to make it easier to find the information you're interested in.
Take a look at our results across our business versus our targets (Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs for short). Our reporting year runs from 1st April. We've broken down each year into reporting quarters, so Q1 runs between 1st April and 30th June, Q2 from 1st July to 30th September, Q3 1st October to 31st December, making Q4 1st January to 31st March.
While you're here, we'd like to let you know information on our TSM (Tenant Satisfaction Measures) Survey is also available.
Summary for Q3, 2024-2025
The survey for Q3 2024/25 found that 62% of residents are satisfied with the overall service provided by Estuary Housing Association.
Generally, as will be shown throughout this report, satisfaction has decreased slightly compared with the previous survey.
Three measures received satisfaction levels above 70%, including residents being treated fairly and with respect (78%), the provision of a safe home (73%), and keeping residents informed (74%).
Only one measure falls below 60%; Estuary’s satisfaction with the handling of complaints (36%), which has declined by 5% since Q2. The approach to ASB has the second lowest satisfaction at 60%.
However, these are often the lowest-performing measures for social landlords.
KPI Highlights
ASB Case Handling Satisfaction
ASB Case Handling Satisfaction for Case Closed
Complaints Logged on Time
Complaints Responded to On Time
Complaints Upheld
Calls Handled Right First Time
Estate Inspections Completed
Gas Safety
Q2: 99.9%
Target: 100%
Asbestos Audits
Target: 100%
Electrical Safety Certificate (Communal)
Q2: 100%
Communal Fire Risk Assessment
Year to Date Average: 100%
Target: 100%
Water Hygiene
Q2: 100%
Year to Date Average: 100%
Target: 100%
Lift Servicing (Blocks)
Target: 100% (31)
Total Number Of Calls
Total Number of Calls: 5,248
Monthly Average: 1,749
Total Number of Calls: 5,269
Monthly Average: 1,756
Calls Lost
Total number of calls lost: 677
Calls lost monthly average: 226 / 13%
Total number of calls lost: 285
Calls lost monthly average: 95 / 5%
Total number of calls lost: 962
Calls lost monthly average: 10.5%
Target: 5%
Average Time To Answer A Call (in Minutes)
Target: 1 min
Repairs Completed On Time
Number Of Repair Orders Raised
Q2: 4,858
Monthly average: 1,600
Emergency Repairs Completed Within Time
Target: 99%
Resident Convenience Completed Within Time
First Time Fixes
Repairs Fixed At First Appointment
Target: 80%