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Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

Our Approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our Approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We believe in the power of diversity. We value the unique perspectives and experiences that our colleagues, customers, partners and other stakeholders bring to Estuary.

By promoting a culture of inclusion, we create a more vibrant and innovative organisation where everyone feels supported and valued. This not only benefits our employees but also enhances the experience of our customers.

The Strategy

In 2023 our Board approved an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy which aims to ensure that equality is embedded in all our activities, policies and decisions and will work with colleagues, our customers, partners and stakeholders to share good practice. The Strategy covers all areas of our activities, from our governance and people to customer service and working with stakeholders.

The Strategy has 6 objectives, which can be found on our EDI Strategy page, each with supporting actions monitored by the Board. The last update was presented to the Board in September 2024 and summarised below: 

Our Vision

Our vision is to create an environment where:

  • Everyone feels comfortable being themselves
  • Diversity is recognised and appreciated
  • All individuals have equal opportunities to succeed

By embracing diversity, we can better understand the needs of our people and deliver exceptional services.

Objective 1: Champion Equality and Diversity Through Our Leadership and Governance Structures

Objective 1 Actions and Updates
Action 2024 Update
1.1       Ensure membership of EHA’s governing bodies, including the Board, Committees and Resident Voice and Influence Panel is diverse and reflect local needs where necessary and possible.  We have refreshed our Board composition in recent years and in so doing, paid special attention to diversity and this has resulted in more diversity on our Board and its Committees. When recruiting new Board Members we highlight that knowledge of/connection to our areas of operation is advantageous. We will continue to monitor and report on the diversity of our governing bodies.
1.2       Appoint a Board Diversity Champion who will work alongside the Executive in taking a leadership role in championing and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion across the organisation. Jacqueline Adusei has been appointed as our Board Diversity Champion.
1.3       Consult Resident Voice and Influence Panel on the key actions needed to underpin our commitments to equality, diversity and inclusion. The EDI Lead has recently engaged with Resident Voice and Influence Panel members and delivered a half-day training session on EDI in the Workplace and Recruitment, with further training on Equality Analysis planned for the coming months. Customers will then be actively involved in scrutinising policy from an EDI perspective, ensuring they have a voice in key policy decisions.
1.4       Provide training on equality, diversity and inclusion to non-Executive members and Executives. Training was delivered to our Board and Executive by Housing Diversity Network in 2023-24.

Objective 2: Promote And Embrace Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Within Our Employment and Staffing Practices

Objective 2 Actions and Updates
Action 2024 Update
2.1       Monitor our recruitment practices and gather equality and diversity data on candidates to ensure we are attracting and optimising a diverse pool of candidates. Data is collected and reported to the Executive Management Team on a monthly basis. 
2.2       Collate and analyse data on recruitment, promotion, reasons for leaving, working patterns in relation to gender, disability, age and report quarterly to ET and annually to Board. As above.
2.3       Develop and regularly review our People Strategy to ensure it remains aligned to the needs and diversity of our workforce. The People Strategy was launched in 2022, and is regularly reviewed to ensure it is current and in line with the corporate objectives and is working in partnership with our EDI strategy.
2.4       Review all employee-related polices from an EDI perspective with a focus on eliminating any discriminatory language or practice. Significant progress has been made reviewing policies and implementing new Equality Analyses. Policies will continue to be reviewed as they become due.
2.5       Provide mandatory EDI training to all our employees.

Our EDI training programme is advancing well in 2024, with key courses delivered, including EDI Champions, LGBTQ+ Allies, Inclusive Language, and Hate Crime Awareness. We've also delivered specialised training in Equality Analysis across the organisation.

In May 2024, the EMT approved our broader corporate EDI training plan for 2024-26, titled "The Passport to Inclusion." This initiative will be rolled out to all staff in the latter part of 2024/25.

2.6       Provide recruitment and selection training to all managers including unconscious bias training and review the make-up of interview panels. Recruitment Workshops took place in January 2024 and included a session on CV anonymisation. 30 managers attended the live training, and the session was recorded to ensure anyone who couldn’t attend was able to catch up afterwards, ensuring the widest possible reach.
2.7       Ensure all EHA employees are aware of the bullying and harassment procedures. All employees are required to complete mandatory Bullying & Harassment e-learning, recently updated and relaunched with our new training platform in February 2024.


Objective 3: Embed Equality, Diversity And Inclusion In All Areas And Create A Positive Culture Where The Working Environment Is Free From All Discrimination.

Objective 3 Actions and Updates
Action 2024 Update
3.1    Generate ideas and feedback views from staff on our EDI commitments and strategy.

The EDI Champions Forum has gained momentum over the past six months, showing significant growth in engagement and maturity.

The Champions have played a key role in delivering several initiatives, including:

  • Southend Winter Pride – Feb 2024
  • Inclusive Language Training – April 2024
  • Equality Analysis Level 2 Training – ongoing since April 2024
  • Pronoun inclusion in Office365/email signatures and CRM – March 2024
  • Attendance at Southend Summer Pride 2024
3.2    Take part in the Stonewall WEI Index to benchmark our LGBT+ inclusivity. We have officially partnered with Stonewall as part of its Diversity Champions Programme effective from April 2024.
3.3    Use social media and outreach work to better showcase our diverse organisation through employee and customers’ testimonials. 

Over the past six months, we've shared employee stories on topics like health, disability, and immigration, while regularly posting EDI-related threads on our staff forum to build further engagement.

Externally, we celebrated our Inclusive Employers Bronze Award in March 2024 across social media and our website.

3.4    Engage with other organisations and networks to share best practice and identify and learn from initiatives that have had the biggest impact elsewhere.    

Since the EDI Action Plan launched in November 2023, we've established strong partnerships with Inclusive Employers, Southend Pride, and Stonewall. Our EDI Lead and CEO regularly attend NHF and Connex Partnership to exchange insights and stay informed on best practices in the sector.

As of April 2024, we’ve also joined HQN’s EDI Network, further enhancing our access to sector resources. Additionally, our EDI Lead has begun collaborating with Orwell Housing, the BuildEast EDI Network, and Axis’ HR team on joint EDI initiatives, starting with Southend Pride.

3.5    Improve and implement a dynamic onboarding and induction process for employees, Board and Committee members.

Our Board operates under a set of agreed values and principles that guide meetings and governance.

CV anonymisation is now fully integrated into our recruitment process, with comprehensive training provided to managers. This change has been well-received, helping to reduce unconscious biases and increase candidate diversity.

3.6    Undertake equality impact assessments on policies and change processes that impact employees and customers. We have agreed a new Equality Analysis process and these have been applied to policies as they come due for review. 
3.7    Flexible working arrangements/Ways of Working policy is in place. Ensure staff have the technology, training and support to access meetings remotely in line with our Ways of Working policy and induction includes information on flexible working.  In place and we continue to review arrangements in consultation with colleagues and unions. 
3.8    Continuously review our risk assessment and home working risk assessment framework to ensure any adverse impact on vulnerable staff and mental health of staff is identified and addressed. Promote the use of Plumm, our Employee Assistance Programme by staff. The hybrid working risk assessment is now in use as part of the eLearning arrangements and compliance is good.
3.9    Ensure our health and wellbeing initiatives identify and address our role in supporting staff to deal with trauma and the mental health effects of isolation, financial and social worries, etc. The Wellbeing Champions group is fully established with representatives from all areas of the business.
3.10 Ensure that reasonable adjustments are made, through a risk assessment process, to support employees impacted by both short and long term health conditions. This remains an ongoing, and "as needed" arrangement.


Objective 4: Promote Fairness, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in All of Our Housing Strategies and Ensure Customers Are Respected, Their Voices Are Heard and the Diverse Needs of the Communities We Serve Are Addressed

Objective 4 Actions and Updates
Action 2024 Update
4.1 Have a system/process in place to ensure selection for and allocation of housing is based objectively on housing need. Clear allocations policy in place which is non discriminatory. 
4.2 Practise inclusivity and eliminate any form of discrimination in the allocation of homes whether nominated by local authorities or allocated by EHA, taking into account the religious/cultural needs of people in the allocation process. Whilst we have constraints concerning availability of housing which suits everybody’s needs, We will always consider cases which are appealed and issues raised will be discussed at the Complex Case Panel.
4.3 Have in place accurate and up-to-date records of all EHA’s adapted properties and customers with specific needs. As part of the Urgent Rehousing Policy and Lettings Policy, we undertake independent medical assessments for our customers seeking rehousing due to illness, disability. We will continue to update our property records to ensure they are accurate. 
4.4 Work to minimise, as far as possible, all cases of harassment involving EHA customers. And have processes in place to respond quickly and effectively to any case of harassment or anti-social behaviour. We have an ASB policy in place and we monitor feedback with regards to case handling and outcomes on the transactional surveys.
4.5 Develop and promote guidance for a victim/survivor-orientated approach to harassment and antisocial behaviour, especially those based on any of the protected characteristics. We have recently implemented an Urgent Rehousing Policy which supports customers requiring a move due to harassment, victimization, domestic abuse.
4.6 Ensure staff are able to access up to date information and resources and can signpost to support agencies and bodies as needed. Our Housing teams regularly attend networking meetings and events to build knowledge and shape service delivery. 
4.7 Carry out gap analysis to establish potential barriers to not engaging effectively with R VIP and work with them to agree how best this can be developed. We carried out some work/ consultation with customers on this topic during the summer Customer Voice Roadshows 2024.
4.8 Celebrate EHA’s diversity through regular diversity-related events and establish and publish an annual communications planner to acknowledge and/or celebrate notable dates in the life of our customers throughout the year. This is being actioned via the intranet and external platforms with customers such as social media posts.
4.9 Provide information on services in accessible and user-friendly formats using plain language and published on easy-to-access platforms and media. We utilise the digital inclusion tool ReachDeck to monitor this and improve accessibility, readability and reach of our online content. We are phasing out use of PDFs, and where it is still necessary, create accessible and screen reader friendly alternatives.
4.10 Develop and enhance our digital platform and ensure our services and support are accessible. Our digital platforms are accessible. Customers can contact us in several ways to access support (telephone, email and the new addition of a repairs chatbot via the portal). We are investigating how to make the chatbot more accessible.
4.11 Develop our website as the primary source of information to our customers, ensuring language, content and format are accessible and user-friendly. Develop other communication and media platforms so there are diverse channels for communicating and engaging with our customers. We signpost via email campaigns and social media to information on the website. There is scope to further develop the customer portal to include a customer mobile app. This is included in the Communications Strategy action plan as a long term action.
4.12 Carry out analysis of the needs of customers in terms of evacuation requirements, specifically in High Risk Residential Buildings, and undertake personal emergency evacuation planning where appropriate. Profiling of customers in high rise residential buildings has been undertaken and personal evacuation plans undertaken as necessary.
4.13 Develop a Disability Inclusion Strategy.
Customer feedback generated from the recently established Health & Disability Forum will be used to inform the strategy. Key to this will be a wide-ranging customer survey on disability, which will be launched as part of the new Forum in 2024-25


Objective 5: Tackle Poverty, Disadvantage and Enable Inclusion

Objective 5 Actions and Updates
Actions  2024 Update
5.1    Collect, breakdown and analyse information on our resident profile by protected characteristics to ensure policy decisions are shaped and influenced by intelligence and insight and to enable us to continually tailor our services to meet specific needs and priorities. We conduct surveys of our customers to help understand their needs. We continue to refresh and improve our customer data.
5.2    Develop our communications strategy to ensure it is sensitive to our target audience, for example, vulnerable or marginalised individuals, those with disabilities and those whose first language is not English.

We have developed a new Communications Strategy. The strategy is sensitive to our target audience, with one objective to "Inform, Empower and Engage Customers". We will achieve this by: 

  • Providing timely, tailored updates that prioritise inclusivity and diversity in all communications, ensuring accessibility and alignment with customer preferences.
  • Utilising engaging communication methods to enhance understanding and satisfaction.
  • Integrating customer voice into communication initiatives to strengthen relationships and build rapport.
5.3    Review our customer services offer to ensure it meets the different needs of our customers and ensure there is appropriate support for customers who are unable to access service digitally. We have launched a clear and multi accessible customer service standard.
5.4    Ensure we use learning from the pandemic to inform how to address inequalities among our resident population going forward. We offer a tailored service to our customers and have employed a Tenancy Coach to help support our most vulnerable customers.
5.5    Identify opportunities to optimise digital support and help to train customers so they can participate and access local and national initiatives and services which may be difficult for them because of inability to use technology.     Our Benefits and Tenancy Coaches identify organisations who provide a variety of ICT help and support, and refer our customers to these services. We make referrals of this nature to a number of organisations who help customers with navigating the internet, Tech & IT support, on-line form filling, ICT/digital skills and introductory help for beginners.
5.6    Ensure staff understand accessibility requirements and can provide information in inclusive, accessible formats and are able to provide accessibility guidance. We offer a range of training to frontline officers to support their knowledge of accessibility needs.


Objective 6: Monitor the Performance of Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants

Objective 6 Actions and Updates
Actions 2024 Updates

6.1 Where it is within our control, ensure that policies and procedures of Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants are aware of the standards applied in EHA. This will be achieved by:

  1. including a statement confirming suppliers comply with our Policies and Procedures on appointment.
  2. adding the relevant Policies and Procedures to the Association’s website and linking suppliers to them.
  1. Reference to compliance with the EDI policy has been added to Estuary’s Terms and Conditions of Contract. Other terms and conditions used for appointing suppliers are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  2. It has not been possible to add links to the policies on the website as these may not be accessible. A workaround has been to publish a Supplier Code of Conduct on the website which includes the section “Treating Employees and Customers with Respect”.

6.2 Suppliers/contractor/consultant with a contract value greater than £100,000, where it is proportionate and relevant, will be required to provide a Diversity Statement during the onboarding process, and to provide an updated version of this if a contract is extended or renewed.

EDI statements requested for new suppliers in the onboarding process or as part of tender and passed to the EDI Lead for comment. 
These are kept with the contract on the Delta contracts database. Reminders can be set up for review dates for policies when these falls due.