We’re working with our customers and other agencies to stop Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and create safe, welcoming places to live.
We Will Act Quickly
- Log an ASB case within 5 working days.
- Contact you to discuss the report and complete a risk assessment.
- Agree a plan of action.
We Will Ask for Evidence
- Request a diary of events.
- Discuss your report and possibly visit you and
- We may request additional information.
We Will Take Action
Some of the action we will take may include:
- The offer of independent mediation.
- Sign post to support agencies for extra help.
- Acceptable Behaviour Contract or Good Neighbour Agreements.
- Verbal or written warnings.
- Tenancy sanctions.
The action we take will depend on the evidence provided, frequency and nature of the issue. When all avenues have been exhausted, we may take legal action. We’re here to support everyone to keep their homes and we’ll work with those causing ASB to improve behaviours. Where behaviour is not deemed ASB we’ll offer advice and guidance.
We Will Monitor Outcomes
We will contact you before closing your case to check how satisfied you are. If you are not satisfied, we’ll talk with you to find out what else we can do.
We may close a case where:
- You ask us to, or we can’t do anything else.
- Where evidence does not support any action to be taken.
- You do not keep to the agreed actions.
ASB can be reported by phone on 0300 304 5000, email to info@estuary.co.uk, by letter, in person, at estuary.co.uk or via our ASB ‘Report It’ App.
Looking for more?
All our service standards can be found on our Service Standards page