We're making phone calls to some customers to understand their support needs better. Calls will come from 0300 304 5000.
Our officers may also ask you some questions about support needs when you contact our call centre.

Summary of Board and Committee Terms of Reference

Estuary Housing Association (Group) Board:

The Board is responsible for the overall direction and control of Estuary (EHA).


Accession Homes Limited Board:

This subsidiary company predominantly develops new housing for outright market sale. Profits or surpluses made from this activity will be gift-aided to Estuary Housing Association (EHA). The loan finance required to undertake this activity will be provided by EHA at a commercial rate through the provisions of a Loan Facility Agreement and the Cost Sharing Agreement; through investment by EHA; and through direct loans by other lenders.

The Board is responsible  for the overall direction and control of the Subsidiary Company and reports its minutes to the Estuary Group Board who set the parameters under which the company operates.


Estuary Homes Design Limited Board:

The Board is the controlling body of the company. Predominantly, the company will oversee the provision of design and build services to Estuary Housing Association under a development Framework Agreement. Any profits made from this activity will be gift-aided to Estuary Housing Association and VAT will be recovered on completed development units.


Group Audit and Risk Committee:

The role of the Audit and Risk Committee is to provide assurance to the EHA Board that Estuary has standards of risk management, internal control assurance, audit review and value for money processes in line with those required by the Code of Governance, legal/regulatory requirements and relevant established best practice. It reviews financial plans and reports and comments on them or makes recommendations prior to review and approval by the EHA Board.


Group Customer Experience Committee:

The Committee was formed in May 2022 following the EHA Board’s decision to the merge the Services and Care and Support Committees.

The Committee supports the development of innovative customer facing strategies based on customer insight. It  oversees and monitors key performance indicators and action plans to deliver the customer and asset management corporate strategy objectives and escalate any concerns to the Board. The Committee will ensure that the customers’ voice influences decisions and strategies set by the Board.


Group Governance and Remuneration Committee

The purpose of the Governance and Remuneration Committee is to monitor Estuary’s compliance with best practice governance principles, social housing regulatory required outcomes and specific expectations and that Boards, Committees and their members operate effectively and in the interests of the Association. In addition, it is responsible for scrutinising the People Strategy and performance as well as recommending the remuneration policies for Board and Committee Members, Executive Directors and staff to the Board.