Estuary and CHP Exploring a Potential Merger

Over the past few months, we have been busy working on our new 2025-30 Corporate Strategy. Thank you to all customers who were involved in this process, your input is vital in shaping our future. A question that we kept coming back to in the development of the strategy was “could we do it better and quicker?”. With this in mind, we have some news about how we plan to deliver the strategy.
We are exploring a potential merger with another Essex based housing association, CHP.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve entered talks with CHP over a potential merger. This means that we would combine forces to create a new, joint organisation. Together, both organisations currently own and manage over 16,000 homes and a merger would see us come together by the end of 2025.
Our Board, along with CHP’s, has approved an initial business case that unlocks financial capacity with the potential to invest more in existing homes and communities, and the delivery of much-needed new homes for local people.
If approved, the new organisation would be the biggest housing association centred in Essex and one of the largest in the region. It would build on each organisation's existing strengths by providing high-quality homes and services to local people across Essex and the surrounding area.
Paul Edwards, CHP’s Chief Executive, and Ian Martin, Chief Executive at Estuary, said: “CHP and Estuary share clear strategic alignment, and this is a brilliant opportunity to bring together two strong organisations into one, which is why we believe there’s merit in further exploring a merger. We’re already committed individually to positively contributing to tackling the housing crisis within Essex. Together, we’d be a powerful influence on future housing strategy and further development in the county.
“We share similar visions, values and culture, as well as matching geography. We think these similarities are huge benefits that would allow us to work effectively together to deliver the best possible service to our customers”.
Along with CHP, we will now enter a period of due diligence and consult with customers, employees, and stakeholders about the potential change. Once the due diligence and consultation are completed, the Boards of both organisations will make the final decision to merge or not.
If you would like to know more, be kept informed, or be involved in the consultation process, you can:
• Read our dedicated customer FAQs,
• Follow us on Facebook or Instagram,
• Keep an eye on the website and customer newsletter for updates,
• Give us a call on 0300 304 5000, or email to tell us you want to be part of the consultation process.