Introducing the New Repairs Chatbot | News

Introducing the New Repairs Chatbot

We know it’s not always convenient to make a phone call to report a repair, so we’ve been working with Axis to make this easier for you. Our brand new Chatbot will be available in Your Online Account in the coming weeks.

Using this service, you’ll be able to book appointment times that suit you and check existing appointments without having to wait on the phone.

This is only available to customers who are signed up to our Your Online Account, so if you’re not registered, hop on over at: and sign up!

Of course, if you prefer to speak with one of the Axis advisors on the phone, or you have an emergency, our usual way of reporting will remain, call Axis on 0808 169 1969.

If you think you’d like to use the Chatbot, but you’re not sure how, we have you covered. Estuary and Axis are running a “How to” webinar on Thursday 23rd May at 10 am - register your interest at

A short YouTube video is also available here: Online Repair Reporting Tool Axis Estuary ( It’s worth a watch if you’d like an easy-to-digest way of learning about the Chatbot and when to use it.

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