Prince Avenue Launch Event - August 2022 | News

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Prince Avenue Launch Event - August 2022

Built in partnership with Dove Jeffery Homes and Southend-on-Sea City Council, the former light industrial factory site now offers beautifully designed social and affordable apartments, as well as shared-ownership houses.



The launch event was attended by EHA CEO Ian Martin, Board Members, Dove Jeffery Homes, Martin Arnold, representative from Southend City Council, Cllr Steve Buckley, Cllr Daniel Cowan and Cllr Lydia Hyde, and representatives of the Kennedy Family Trust, the former owners of the factory site. ‘Medway Court’ was named after Oliver Kennedy’s house and his knitwear factory, The Medway. The knitting company occupied the site from 1920’s. Margaret Kennedy (Oliver’s granddaughter) kindly cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony.

The development has been a great success, receiving amazing feedback from residents already:

“We love our new home. it’s in a lovely area. It’s nice to have a new space to make our own. Having a balcony is lovely because our son can have fresh air even if we’re at home. Me and my partner are young parents, so housing was very difficult for us to find. We lived in a one bed flat before here. It was full of mould and was a health risk to all of us. We were on the register for about 10 months.”

“My thoughts on my new home are all positive, I am in love with the place, I can’t speak any more highly about it.

My new home has made such a massive difference already, the best way to describe it is I finally feel like I can breathe.”



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