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Starts at Home

Starts at Home is a day to celebrate the positive impact of supported housing in our communities.

We give support to people living with learning disabilities, mental health issues and/or physical disabilities at home and in their community.

As lives and circumstance change, our customers need a home that will meet their new needs.

We provided community support to a couple (we’ll call them Jane and Paul) with minor learning difficulties. As Jane’s health and mobility deteriorated, she had difficulty using the stairs and could no longer access the bedroom or bathroom.

We worked with social workers to address these safeguarding concerns and assessed multiple options. One possibility was to place Jane in residential care, but that would have meant being separated from her husband. We were determined to keep them together. We found a one-level flat that met their needs, gave them access to facilities and restored their confidence to move around their home with ease, prepare meals, go out to appointments, and live with more independence.  

Supported housing has not only given Jane and Paul a new lease of life together, but it has also saved hard-pressed public-sector budgets, reducing the need for residential care and relieved the pressure on NHS services.


They said “We love our new flat, it’s warmer and a lot better as it’s on one level. We are having a good time here and have met new people.’’


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