Zero tolerance for racism, violence and hate crime in our communities | News

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Zero tolerance for racism, violence and hate crime in our communities

At Estuary we believe that everyone deserves a safe and secure home in a community they can be proud of.

We're committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and empowered to reach their full potential. We want to build strong communities with opportunities for all.

We have zero tolerance for racism, violence and hate crimes. These have no place in our communities, and we're dedicated to working with customers and partners to prevent them.

If you've been affected by anti-social behaviour (ASB), we're here to help. Visit our dedicated webpage for information and support

You can also:

·       Speak directly to your Housing Officer or Scheme Manager

·       Contact our Customer Ambassadors on 0300 304 5000

·       Email us at


If you do wish to reach out for external support the following agencies can help you:-

Stop Hate UK –

Victim Support –

Support Line –


If there is a danger to life, risk of serious injury, or a crime is in progress please contact the police on 999.

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