Homegrown 2024 | News

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Homegrown 2024


In partnership with our repairs contractor Axis and green charity, Groundwork we’re pleased to promote Home Grown 2024. Join our free online Family Growing course! Learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables at home using a variety of how-to videos, activities, learning resources and useful tips. Our free online family growing course runs from March–August 2024.

Sign up now to receive your own family grow pack and be a part of our online learning community. We’ve 15 packs to give away on a first come first served basis. So, contact us immediately. The packs include: • Online videos, activities and resources released every other Thursday from March onwards • Free Grow Pack (*worth £30) including seeds, gloves, tools, labels and more! • 12 Emailed Newsletters For families with children under 11. To sign up contact: To sign up contact: involvement@estuary.co.uk

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